Photos using Wes Pullen's Camera by various Wes & photographers.

Cathy Gordon Wood shown here conducting the United Daughters of the Confederacy welcoming Ceremony for the Dedication of the new military monument for Confederate States Army, 1st Sergeant, 32nd Tennessee Regiment Soldier, James Jordan Phillips, 1832 - 1891. James earned an Iron Cross when he doggedly stayed with the Southern Cause until the end of the war. James lost a leg in the conflict (see details in Program Leaflet) near Atlanta Georgia.
The Program Leaflet (Page 001-004) - (Page 002-003)

Tony Townsend conducting the Sons of the Confederate Veterans welcoming Ceremony for the Dedication of the new military monument for Confederate States Army, 1st Sergeant, 32nd Tennessee Regiment Soldier, James Jordan Phillips, 1832 - 1891. James came home and served 8 years as the Registrar of Giles County Tennessee before his short life ended.
The Program Leaflet (Page 001-004) - (Page 002-003)

Tribute for 1st Sgt. James Jordan Phillips representing the family, as given by Barry Alsup, Great-Great-Grandson
The Program Leaflet (Page 001-004) - (Page 002-003)

Other Photos of the Ceremony (click on the photo): 2058/2059/2060/2061/2062/2063/2064/2065/2066/2067/2068/2069/2070/2071/2072/2073/2074/2075/2076/2077/2078/2079/2080/2081/2082/2083/2084/2085/2086/2087/2088/2089/2090/2091/2092/2093/2094