The center of the map shows the location of the Shoals Bluff Cemetery. This cemetery is detailed on the USGS records. I have provided this map to show the GPS coordinates. The GPS Latitude & Longitude are correct as shown above.
map shows the Shoals Bluff Cemetery located on the Hagan Road, but that is not
well labeled on this map.
Directions: Take Hwy 166 south from the center of Pulaski about 11 miles and go
to Hagan Road and turnright (west). Go abt 2 1/4 miles to the second right turn.
Turn into that and follow along for 1 mile to the Shoals Bluff Church of Christ.
The cemetery is to the side of the church building.
This Aerial view shows the roads and landscape you will encounter as you
approach the cemetery. I am unaware if the names of those roads are correct
shown on
this map, but believe I recall road signage indicating Shoals Bluff Rd instead
of Hagan Rd. Lots of errors in these maps now days but the devil is in the detail
which is now plentiful enough to figure this out irrespective of road names.
Maps from Topozone/USGS Topographical, MS Streets & Trips 2004 & Google modified for this site by Wayne Austin,
Jun 2010.