From the above map we are given the Pleasant Gardens Cemetery GPS location. We can see it is on Goose Creek Road southwest of Flat Creek Tn.
Location: From Shelbyville go south on Hwy 231 several miles to the Center Church Road. Turn left there and go about 3 1/2 mile and turn right on Goose Creek Road. Go about 2 1/2 miles and the cemetery is high upon a hill above you on your left out of sight. Go another hundred yards and look for the sign and park near the driveway to a house on the left side of the road. From there walk up the slope going east on the road provided for the cemetery to the locked gate. It is behind a locked gate so permission to enter is a must. The farmer here is deliberately destroying the road to the cemetery by adding locked chains and fences to the cemetery. He may think of it as security but I disagree. This will cause the road to disappear over time leaving the road to be no longer a drivable access up to the cemetery.
This Aerial Map shows more clearly the cemetery fence outline under a few trees upon the southeast side of the cemetery. The road up to the cemetery has been blocked so getting there is now something of a time consuming task involving help from others.
This Aerial Map from MS Bing (a little closer in) shows the road up to the cemetery coming from the west. You cannot access the cemetery from directly below (north) on the road. That is private farm property and has no openings across the fence row. Your access is from your left down near where the barns are.
Maps from Topozone & MS Streets & Trips & MS Bing mapping sites, modified for this site by Wayne Austin, 4 Dec 2011.