This map shows the GPS coordinates of the Pitts Cemetery of Dale Mill Rd. as N 35.10077 X W
Location: From
Fayetteville go south on Hwy 231 and turn right on Molino Rd. (before the Hwy
110 turn off also to the right). Follow Molino Rd more than 5 miles and turn
south (left) on Sherfield Road. Go about a half mile and turn right into Dale
Mill Road. Follow that until it nearly ends and look onthe left at a gate which
will take you into the pasture and too the cemetery. Visiting this cemetery is
not for the faint of heart as there are many bee hives here kept on the premises
of the cemetery. I once kept bees in hives a long time ago and learned
that to not alarm them one must moves very slowly. The closer you get to the
hive the slower you must move or they will attack you. Thus is your hazard in
visiting this cemetery. Some of these hives were not alive with bees and the
ones remaining were being neglected so their populations were not great.
I was unable to properly photograph some of the stones because that would have
required me to sling blade the weeds and growth. That would have alarmed the
bees and got them into an uproar and after me. Once stirred up they cannot be
outrun as a few will pursue you for a long time. Thus we have a less than
perfect survey.
This is a photo of the tree lined thicket where this cemetery resides.
Mapping from ACME Maps, MS Streets & Trips, mapping sites. Modified
and added here 31 Aug 2015 by C. Wayne Austin.