WEST, Jack, died about 1907, native of east or west Tennessee, see Gi. Co. Court case whereby wife Mary died in testate Apr 1910.
This grave belongs to Jack West according to 92 year old Littie West Newton. When they buried Mr. Jack West the casket would not stay down in the ground due to underground water floating it up. That explains the rock pile - to keep it down. For that reason burial was eventually abandoned on this side of the road for the higher ground across east of the old church building**Interview with Littie West Newton Williams Carpenter, born 1917 on 2 Jul 2008, by Wayne Austin, at her nursing home, out on hwy 64 east of Pulaski. **
The grave heaped up with rocks belongs to her grandfather Jack West. It is an unmarked grave in New Zion cemetery. Jack West died long before Littie was born. Jack West was a native of either east or west Tennessee she could not be sure. He is then probably not closely related to Samuel West and his siblings also of Giles County.
Littie was born 1917. Her father's name was James (Jim) Terry Newton also buried in New Zion Cemetery. "Littie was in her thirties when her 92 year old father died." Based on that the year death date would have been about 1949 when her father died. That put him being born about 1857 and dying about 1949. I suppose that is accurate within 10 years either way.
"Littie and her family lived in a house in the middle of a field near New Zion Church."
Littie's mother was: Cassie West Newton, 16 Oct 1890 - 15 Feb 1932. Buried in the Johns-Hamlin Cemetery.Littie married 1st Arthur Williams. 2nd to Alford Carpenter buried in New Zion.
Littie had a son named Lester Carpenter and he is interred in New Zion Cemetery also.We are in the old section, on the south side, of the old church building.
Photo, info and transcription by Wayne Austin, 1 Jul 2008.