McLEAN CEMETERY #1, (east side of Lawrenceburg), LAWRENCE
This map shows the GPS coordinates of the McLean Cemetery.
This is just east of Lawrenceburg. The GPS as calculated by C. Wayne Austin is:
N 35.24665 W 87.29936
This road map shows the route needed from Old Highway 64 going east: Location:
From Lawrenceburg, take old Highway 64E to Gimlet Road. Turn left onto this road
and go around a curve. Just past the curve there is a house on the left side of
the road. Turn by this house, going down into a creek valley. This is the first
road to your left Beuerlein Lane. Cross the creek and follow the road between
two houses and as you start up a hill look right at the Gate into a cattle
pasture and some small slopes to climb. Park your car and walk thru the gates
opening and closing them behind you to keep the cattle contained. After climbing
the slope and acquiring a few mushes of cow piles on your shoes you will see
straight north of you the tree lined cemetery due north of your position in the
open field. An alternative is to continue up Beuerlein Lane to the top of
the slope and you can see the cemetery on your right about 70 yards from the
road in the tree lined thicket with a chain link fence surrounding it. From the
road you will need a ladder to keep from damaging the farmers fence. The
cemetery is actually in the middle of a pasture on the Niedergeses farm. It is
on what was once the original Samuel McLean home place. In 1967, there were
about 6 or 7 graves with stones that had no inscriptions. Some of the stones are
broken, laying down, or deteriorated so badly you can not read them.
This aerial map shows the cemetery roads better as the road map above does not
show Beuerlein Lane connecting Gimlet Road with Weakley creek Road. Do not go onto
this private property if your aims are less than honorable as the neighbors will
surely interrupt you.
Mapping from Topozone MS Streets & Trips & MS Bing mapping. Modified
and added here 6 Jan 2013 by C. Wayne Austin.