From the above map we see the Massey Cemetery GPS location.

Location: Take Highway 11 out of Pulaski and turn left at Anthony Hill onto Oak Grove Road. Turn left at fork in road which is Oak Grove & Dog Branch Roads. Travel down Dog Branch Road about 1 miles & you will come to a sharp curve in the road. After rounding the curve look to your left for a house. The Cemetery is between the house and road upon a slight incline under trees.
This Aerial Map shows the place along the road where the cemetery can be found. There was a new house under construction just east of the cemetery when I visited here. The cemetery may now be located between this house and the road and the grass may now be maintained as a part of that house.

Maps from Topozone & MS Streets & Trips & MS Bing mapping sites, modified for this site by Wayne Austin, 21 Jul 2010.