This is a location layout of Old Maplewood section. This section is bounded on the east by South Sam Davis Ave. and on the west by South Rhodes St and on the north by the north cemetery boundary and on the south by the Old Maplewood - Old Black section. This map does not show all the Old Maplewood areas, but is the original layout dated about 1900. It  excludes the Old Maplewood the southern expansion located on the southwestern section but does not show on this map and also it does not include the Old Black section of Old Maplewood south of this and on the southeastern corner of the block of land area.

This is also an old layout of the area south of the above map. It excludes part of the graves of this area and also does not include the layout of the old black section.

This map of the whole cemetery details the various areas of the cemetery. Of course some historical designations are no longer recognized by racial makeup, but that nevertheless still helps us locate our relatives. I realize all these various maps of one cemetery are confusing and way more information than the average person wishes to digest, but if you are adept at that you can use these maps and the location designation to find the grave of your relative/ancestor. Shown above is the New Maplewood area which I do not have a detailed map of the complete area. The New Maplewood area is divided numerically, but the grave Lot numbers can be be higher than 4 and reach nearly as high as twenty grave plots.

This map shows the various Gardens in the Southern & Eastern area of the cemetery. This is bounded on the east by Ballentine St and on the south by Magazine Rd and on the west by section A&B (new African American area) and the office and maintenance to the north of A&B. I do not have a breakdown map of section A&B. These garden sections above open to everyone are divided into numerical blocks of graves with 16 in each block and those are divided into alpha blocks A - D and each alpha block areas contains 4 graves numbered 1 - 4. So the 366 X 16 sections contain 5,856 graves above. The highlighted red areas are sold lots and not necessarily populated. That is how the administrators track grave sales progress along with tracking the burials in another database. As you can see this cemetery was laid out much smaller than the original area, but has steadily expanded into the large cemetery that it now encompasses.