Name Prefix Symbol Numerical Areas
Old Maplewood* OM 1-561***
New Maplewood aka 10 Rows* NM 601-1469 includes Babyland 761
New Black area* A&B 1A-6A, 1B-6B
Southern Gardens* South 331-366**
Garden of  Tranquility* Tranquility 199-330**
Garden of  Serenity* Serenity 67-198**
Garden of  Peace* Peace 1-66**
Special areas some white, some black* SS D&E 1D-2D & E
Old Black area* OBL No specific Location
Special area enclosed within old Maplewood section* AV1-CV1 AV-359/AXIII-367 & A
*Under law no person may be classified or denied a grave based on color of skin*       

** Each numerical Grave section is divided into areas A - D and Each Alpha area is divided into 4 graves, meaning there are 16 Graves in a numerical location such as 166. Further subdivisions can be made for special burials
*** Old Maplewood is divided into numerical locations with each numerical location having a variable number of graves.