The center of the map shows the GPS of the place nearest to the center of the cemetery that I could calculate. This cemetery is detailed in the USGS records. I have provided this map to show the GPS coordinates. The GPS Latitude & Longitude are correct as shown above as N 35.19262 X W -87.02753.
To get to the old part of the cemetery from Pulaski on E. College St - go south
on South Rhodes St. and the cemetery is on your left. To get to the new section
of the cemetery instead go south on Ballentine St and look to your right. Find
the cemetery locations as specified in this site. The office can direct you to a
specific grave if you cannot decipher the plot location on this site. The office
is located on S. Sam Davis Ave. or accessible
also from Cleveland Street.
Maps from ACME Mapper 2.1 & MS Streets & Trips 2004 modified for this site by Wayne Austin,
3 Feb 2016.