Lincoln County News Magazine - Whose Who - 1904 (about 500 Celebrated Persons/Families)

Index of Names/Relations/Places

Index of Names/Relations/Places & Business Title/Affiliation

Front Cover

Map of Lincoln County 1904

Page numbers for casual reading:

For those of who can find your ancestors (mine had already left or died) here you will see many of these families give you a complete genealogy of parentage wives and children. Some even have photos of their homes & businesses or farms and you will notice many personal photos. There are even instances of photos of complete families.

If you study the locations you will become familiar with the town names/streams & other location features used in the early 1900s in Lincoln county and even back into the 1800s. Even though the districts are not numbered they show the boundaries in the mapping.

Because of the rapid copying process some parts of the images are difficult to read and a bit distorted. For those pages download the page. Explode it to a larger size, and display it in your image software. It will then become readable to you at some resolution if you have good graphics. C.W.A. 18 Oct 2013

The economic times of 1904 were good and business was flourishing in all the farms and businesses of Lincoln County and Fayetteville. With the Civil War behind them these highly productive folks were gaining wealth in record numbers from their efforts. Such prosperity promoted large solid families and thriving entrepreneurs in the most rural parts of the county. This environment offered work for all, even the very poor, as they all learned how to live off the land.
What is remarkable is these folks lived out in the middle of nowhere and yet they found ways to prosper and promote the interaction which capitalism allows among themselves in a manner that kept the rural areas prosperous and thriving. Unlike today this labor intensive work supported large & growing families. If you read this closely you will notice, among the hype, a productive intelligence that evens excels by today's standards. They were all obsessed with having the best. The farms had the best livestock and goods for the task at hand, even if it was just mules, chickens, cattle and hogs. In another instance druggist had the finest chemical mixes of the time and studied in some of the best colleges to determine what that was. This was not unlike Medical Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers & other professionals, and we thought they had only country doctors & lawyers in olden times. However the system did not exclude the very talented in spite of their education or lack of thereof. This is a situation that is lost today. We don't know anymore what real talent looks like in many professions as we have so many agendas today that supersede true talent. That is true for all races.
Today these rural areas have very few people maintaining larger tracts of land usually with very few families around. There are many farms which have fallen into the hands of owners that are using the land as an investment. Most of the investment types live offsite and hire the land out that is today deemed productive to leaseholders many of which are not productive for family growth as the proprietary arrangements of olden times. It was that arrangement that the population of the United States exploded from about 1600 to around 1940 when farm consolidation progressed as a consequence of large farm machinery that required less operators. This drove the small farm family out of business and into the cities. C. Wayne Austin 18 Oct 2013.

Programming & organization by C. Wayne Austin 15 Oct 2013. Photos by C. Wayne Austin 5 Nov 2005 using a 4 Megapixel Canon Powershot G3 mounted on a tripod. Original of this book is found at the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library Genealogy Room (as an oversized book.)
You are free to use specific information found here in your family history projects, including posting on findagrave, but this information is not for mass duplication or commercial use as it represents the one allowed back up copy of the original in the Library assuming that was bound up after 1904. C. Wayne Austin 18 Oct 2013.