JACKSON, Lizzie N. 14 Dec 1880 1 Mar 1903, (W/O J. M. �Buddie� Jackson D/O _______and_______Boyd)


It is with sadness that I report the death of Mrs. Nora Jackson {nee} Nora Boyd. She
died March 1, age 22 years. After lingering three weeks with that dreadful disease, typhoid fever. All that physicians, kind husband and loving sister could do was of no avail. She told them that she would die when she was first taken sick. That she would soon be in heaven with her sweet little babe that proceeded her to the grave four weeks. I visited her during her sickness, and she called her husband to her bedside, and told him that he disliked to die, but was not afraid. Then repeated, �Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.� God bless and help the dear husband, father, mother and sister to realize that time alone can bring the balm to heal such wounds. May they look to Jesus for sustaining power in their grief and be able to say, �Thy will be done.� It was so hard for them to realize that she must be taken from them. But your loved one was called to fill the place for which her pure soul was fitted. She was a member of the Christian Church until death with its icy hands called her to the spirit land. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Oakley and she was laid to rest in the Jackson Graveyard.
Sent in by an anonymous Giles Co Historian.  [WA 3 Feb 2011]