Shown as the Howard Cemetery on USGS mapping. The GPS coordinates are slightly incorrect, because these two stones are nearer the road than the label shows on this map. The white check shows the spot where the cemetery is actually located. - GPS: N 35.18915 X W 86.46113.

From Fayetteville Hwy 64 E to Hwy 50/55. Turn left and travel to Mulberry. Next go south out of Mulberry on Kelso-Mulberry Rd. Continue (right) on Kelso-Mulberry Rd south. When you pass the Antebellum house go about 200 yards and look on the left side of the road under the trees for the two standing stones. The bushes have recently been cleared from this cemetery.

 This aerial map shows where the cemetery is located with a red check. The two stones are within 30 feet east of the road.
Maps by Topozone, MS Streets & Trips 2004 version & MS Bing modified for this site by Wayne Austin, 12 May 2013.