The GPS coordinates of this cemetery is N 35.21114 X W -86.97425.

From Pulaski go east on Old Hwy 15 aka Beech Hill Rd, turn left (north) onto Blooming Grove Road, go past the old Blooming Grove Meth Church on the right and go up the hill another 500 yards and the Cemetery is in yard at the Raymond Hill Home. This is across the road where you turn left to go to the Daniel Abernathy Cemetery which is high upon the distant hill west and to the north of that turn in.
One can see the monument in the center of the fenced space under the C in Cemetery. The cemetery is enclosed in a chain link fence. If you visit here please respect the privacy of the relatives who continue to live here.
Mapping from Topozone MS Streets & Trips, MS Bing & Google mapping sites. Modified and added here 12 May 2016 by C. Wayne Austin.