The center of the map shows the location of the Hastings Cemetery. This cemetery is detailed on the USGS records and I have no reason to believe the GPS coordinates are not correct as shown above.
From Shelbyville go
south to New Center Church Road and turn left or east. Go about 2 miles and pass
the Amos Gamble Road. Continue on for about 200 yards and turn south (or right)
into the driveway with permission. go to the Garage and park and walk due south
across the pasture to the tree in the distance where the Iron rail fence
surrounds the cemetery.
This Aerial view shows the cemetery clearly behind the house and garage. I have
it marked with a red check. There is serious cattle ranching going on around
this cemetery so tread lightly and do not disturb the livestock or leave ugly
mud tracks in the pasture land on your visit. Mr. Hasty took me to this
cemetery. His son maintains this cemetery.
Maps from Topozone - USGS Topographical, MS Streets & Trips 2004 & MS Bing
& Google modified for this site by Wayne Austin, 19
Oct 2011.