With this map from Topozone we see the written out GPS coordinates of this cemetery.
This road map by MS Streets & Trips shows with the Yokley Cemetery (Hannah-Yokley) Cemetery north of Campbellsville off of Hwy 166 on the right. Location: Highway 64 West from Pulaski; right (or north several miles to Campbellsville; turn N. E. on the (old Columbia to Campbellsville Rd) graveled Yokley Road. Immediately on your right is the possibly locked gate to cemetery. Open the gate and follow the road across the bridge over the creek and bear left up thru the clearing to the cemetery. Glimpses of the cemetery can be seen from Hwy 166 in the wintertime. This cemetery is fenced. If you go there do so with respect for the vast history & heritage present in this place. A visit there for the wrong reasons will bring the local protective citizens and the law to bear upon you.
With this aerial map we can see the cemetery in the clearing with a road spanning from Hwy 166. The white road drawn on this map is not quite correct. The actual road to the cemetery from Yokley Cemetery Road winds around a bit more northward from there.
Maps from Topozone, MS Streets & Trips & Mapquest, modified for use here by Wayne Austin, 25 Nov 2009.