Atwill R. Fogg.

FOGG, Atwill R., 19 Oct 1855 (or 1833) - 20 Apr 1864. 
Upon examination I believe the birth date to be 1855. For this character to be a three there is a shallow dug line that spans from the back edge of the top cross bar to the top front side of the round portion of the number. That is the only difference between a 5 and 3 in this type of old inscription. I just do not see that bar on either letter when I look at this photo here. I viewed that in 5 Megapixel size not visible to the public. I conclude this birth date is 1855, but still concede there is a small chance I am wrong. Furthermore Atwill is probably the son of Fames G. & Mary Frances A. Fogg and that would be in line with a birth date of 1855 as Mary Frances would have been 21 years old.)
Photo and info by Wayne Austin, 29 Nov 2007, 8:30 AM