GILL CEMETERY, (Hawthorn Hill Road) Bedford County TENNESSEE
From the above map we are given the GPS location of the Gill Family Cemetery.
Location: From Fayetteville Tennessee go north on Hwy 231 thru up into and thru Moore County and the Chestnut Ridge and on into Bedford County. Pass Blue stocking Hollow Road on the left and go another mile and turn right into the Hawthorne Hill Road and go a few hundred yards and the cemetery is on your right inside a high rock wall with the entrance gate from inside the south side of the rock wall.
This Aerial Map shows the cemetery more clearly. At the time of this photo it was under the trees. The trees have since been cleared. There is minimal parking between the road and the Cemetery wall. If you are not adept enough to scale a 4 high by 2 feet thick rock wall considering the risk, then you will need permission from the landowner to go around to the south entrance of the enclosure to the steel gate. However, you could use a ladder on both sides to scale the wall, but please be careful. The rock wall is aging and brittle and is in danger of falling.
Maps from Topozone & MS Streets & Trips & Bing mapping sites, modified for this site by Wayne Austin, 17 Oct 2011.