(Old) CEMETERY, (Black & White) (Hagan
This map shows the GPS coordinates of the Gilbert Cemetery.
This road map shows the various Gilbert Cemeteries on the north side of Hagan
Road. Go south on Bethel Road (Hwy 166) to Hagan Road and turn right (west) and
go across the creek, up the hill & into the valley and turn (right or north)
up the graveled Gilbert Cemetery road road. Be sure to get up some speed or your
vehicle will spin out on on the steep hill. This is about 9 miles
south of Pulaski. Our focus is on the old white and black sections of the old
Gilbert Cemetery and not on the new black section as we have yet to survey that.
This aerial map shows the Gilbert Cemeteries: 1. old white, 2. old black & 3.
new black sections. Highlighted in faint yellow is the lime gravel lane built for these cemeteries.
Mapping from Topozone MS Streets & Trips & Google mapping. Modified
and added here 1 Oct 2012 by C. Wayne Austin.