This road map by MS Streets & Trips shows with the black arrow the cemetery between Ardmore and Interstate Highway 65.
From Ardmore, Alabama/Tennessee take Hwy 7 (the Pulaski Highway) toward I-65 for a mile and the cemetery is in the curve going down the steep hill, on the right, in a cow pasture, about 1/4 of a mile before you get to Interstate 65 entrance ramp Exit 1. It is about 200 yards off of the road on the right. Present there today is a Cedar Tree and a Hackberry Tree towering over the graves & memorials. The residential drive just north of there is your access after permission from the farmer.. There is a gate about 1/2 way down the private drive on the right that gives you access to the cemetery. Cattle roam freely in this cemetery and only one of the stones now stands.
Maps from Topozone, MS Streets & Trips & MS Virtual Earth, modified for use here by Wayne Austin, 12 Apr 2009. Revised 8 Jan 2013.