Here we see in this view looking northeast the fallen and plundered memorials of the Ezell Cemetery. This cemetery would restore beautifully if it was first fenced to keep out the livestock. Then the memorials could be stood back up. A few of them would have to be Epoxy glued to stand. How can one tell if the stones were knocked over by livestock. The bases are still level and there is livestock and cow poop in the area. Now I can't say whose cattle knocked over these tombstones. It could have happened years ago.
This view looking east.
In the immediate view is the three part fallen memorial of Mattie Reed.
Here is the memorial of James Thomas Rather shown in the foreground of cemetery. That is a Fire Ant Hill surrounding the stone. It will not likely go deep enough to harm the stone.
Here we see the home-site the only remaining evidence of the old Ezell Homeplace.
It lies about 100 yards to the north of this cemetery. As you can see only the partial standing rock chimney remains of the home now. Electrical equipment nearby indicates this place was still being used as a home after the 1930s when electricity was installed around the south.
Photos & information by Wayne Austin, 11 Apr 2009.