The old Center Church now gone into History.

This Aerial Map shows the old Center Church which was dismantled recently.

Center Church fate
From: David Lacy <>

To: wayneal1 <>
Date: Mon, May 28, 2012 11:07 am

I recently discovered a website for the Phillips Farm which is the property where the Center Church used to stand. There are links on the left for the Church and the cemetery with some history and pictures of the interior, but no explanation of why it is no longer there. I used the email address on the Church page to contact Jim Phillips (who lost his wife Marilyn just last November) and inquired about the old Church building that is no more. Since you expressed concern as to the fate of the building at the bottom of your Center Cemetery page, I knew you would be interested in his reply. The contents of his email are pasted bellow. David Lacy

Sorry for the slow response, I am using another email address and just check this one periodically.
The building had started to fall apart. The siding was falling off and several windows had fallen out. The remaining brick chimney above the ceiling was unsupported and threatened to fall to the floor. There are also instances in the rural areas near here where vandals have set fire to old vacant church buildings. Possibly the same type rogue that enjoys knocking over tomb stones.

The church building itself was taken apart and taken to Cullman Alabama to an architectural antiques dealer

 Much of the timber has been sold, a few of the pews and other items. The old chandelier was originally advertised at $25,000 but most recently a price of $10,000 was discussed with a buyer in Chicago. Apparently it is the only 3 tier kerosene chandelier in the US. It will have to be put in a large building.

All the money from the sale of the church materials is being put into a cemetery fund. So far none has been spent. All the restoration work in the cemetery has been manually labor and adhesive and bleach. Long range plans for the cemetery include a modest entrance and signage and long range maintenance after I am unable to care for the grounds. I am 68 and have helped care for the cemetery and grounds since I was a teen.

One couple has marked off grave plots to be buried there. I am encouraging more of this so there will be new families who can take care of the cemetery after we are gone.

We aren't doing much in the way of cemetery restoration other than trying to get the stones back upright, pieces bonded together and some cleaning. We are back in the older graves now and a lot of work needs to be done. We have pretty well picked the low hanging fruit. Decoration is this coming Sunday so I'll spruce it up; although few if any people come any more.

Jim Phillips

This more recent Google Map shows the same area without the church building.

E-mails from David Phillips to David Lacy concerning the disposition of the Center Church buliding. C. Wayne Austin, Added here 28 May 2012.