BROWN CEMETERY, (Duncan, North side of Newman Rd, east side of I-65), GILES COUNTY TENNESSEE

This map points out the GPS location of the Duncan Brown Cemetery as North 35.10812 X West -86.88368 also the GPS Longitude & Latitude. The elevation is 673 feet.

Located on Newman Hollow Road turn north from Bryson onto Bunker Hill Road. Go to Newman Hollow Road and turn (left) west.  Cross the bridge and go past the Indian Creek Cemetery (black) on your right upon the bank of the road. Next pass the historic Bethany Cemetery on the left. A bit further down and just before you go under Interstate 65 the cemetery will be on your right & maintained by a utility department ground keeper. You must get permission to pass a private gate to get into there. The cemetery is not visible from the road because a hedge is present along the right side of the road. The GPS Coordinates provided on this map do not match the above map. Use the above map because it is closer scale. The GPS as calculated on the above road map is slightly in error.

With this aerial view we can see the close proximity of the cemetery to Interstate 65. This is inside mile marker 6. Newman road goes over I-65 here.
Maps from Topozone, Google & MS Bing, modified for this site by Wayne Austin 7 Apr 2011. Revised 11 Jul 2017 to clarify the GPS maps.