Unknown footstone under giant Oak Tree full of poison Ivy around the base. The headstone may be inside the trunk of the tree.

initials A. F.. May belong to the Anderson Foster. His headstone is missing and this is the Foster Family area of the graveyard. The Giant Oak Tree next to this memorial may have the stone inside its trunk.

FOSTER, Anderson, 14 October 1813 - 10 September 1863. 
Really this stone is unknown to me. I could get no closer than this to it. Chances are great it belongs as a part of the memorial to Anderson Foster, husband of Sarah who died about the same time as his infant son Robert & his daughter Amanda Foster Wood. and likely they are all buried nearby. His wife Sarah who lived many more years is buried between this place and the Church building about 30 yards away. 
I could not uncover this stone because it is at the base of a giant Oak Tree infested with dense Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy (or Poison Oak) is the dark green, shiny & three leaf stuff in the photo above. All this needs brush killer applied. If no action is taken the stuff will choke out the Oak tree and cause it to die prematurely and the limbs will then come smashing down on the memorials breaking them.
Photo by Wayne Austin, 16 Jun 2008.