From the above map we are given the GPS location of the Braton-McKelvy-Richardson Cemetery. N 35.25056 W 86.02744
Location: From Winchester go northeast on Hwy 64/50. Just before this highway crosses over Old Alto Hwy (and back about 400 yards) turn left on a little road that takes you north to the Old Alto Hwy. When that little road terminates into Old Alto Hwy turn right and travel a few hundred yards and look left out into a field at a thicket which is probably impenetrable in the summer growth. Go here only if you have honorable plans to pay homage to the deceased. Anything else will get one hung high to the nearest forked snag, by the watchful eye of the locals and/or the law.
This pictorial view map looks off the overpass of Hwy 50/64 and shows the cemetery in the nearby thicket out in the field.
Maps from Topozone & MS Streets & Trips & Google mapping sites, modified for this site by C. Wayne Austin, 3 Feb 2015.