From the above map we are given the GPS location of the Boyet-Elliott-Chunn Cemetery of Lewisburg, Marshall County, Tennessee. My GPS marker is between the Boyet markers in the north area and the Elliott markers in the south section.
Location: From the Lewisburg Square go out west Commerce St and take Hwy 373 (Mooresville Hwy). When you start bending to the left on the highway you will see the water tank upon a hill on your left. From there look for a new blacktop road and turn left into that. Careful here the visibility into oncoming traffic is not good. The cemetery road will wind its way up the hill top where the cemetery is located.
This Aerial Map shows the cemetery more clearly located under the tree line sandwiched in by residential property and Joyce Ave. The above yellow lines are rough areas approximating the cemetery and bear no legal resemblance to the property lines of these two cemeteries. Visit these cemeteries from the south side without disturbing the neighbors. However you may get a curious visit if you go here from a neighbor who tends to watch over these graves. The City of Lewisburg maintains the grounds of this cemetery.
Maps from ACME Mapper 2.0, MS Streets & Trips & Google mapping sites, modified for this site by Wayne Austin, 16 Sep 2015.