The center of the map with the red check marks the location of the John Wiley Boyd Cemetery. This cemetery is not detailed on the USGS records. Currently this is the only site showing that location detail.
Location: Go Hwy 11 (Minor Hill Rd)
into Minor Hill and turn southeast (left) on
Salem Road and go about 3/4 mile to the Tackett Branch Road and turn left. Go
another 3/4 miles and turn right on the Shoals Creek Road and go less than two
miles and the Road will bend sharp to the left. Just past that look on the left
for the G. C. Boyd home at P.O. Box 2139. Actually a brick and white frame home.
With permission you will be able to visit this one monument behind the white
frame house and on the north side of the long farm building. If you visit this
cemetery please respect the privacy rights of the people living here.
This Aerial view shows the cemetery location marked with a red check just to the
(left) northwest of the long shed. This is behind a white frame house & the E.G.
Boyd family house next door. There are Cattle in this area, and the cemetery is
behind an electric fence enclosed within another electric fence. If you cannot
deal with that without getting hurt then stay away or get help.
This photo with white arrows marks the location of the one marked stone between
the big trees and the hay barn.
Maps from Topozone - USGS Topographical, MS Streets & Trips 2004 & MS Bing
& Google modified for this site by Wayne Austin, 12
Feb 2012.