BLAIR CEMETERY, (NW of junction of Coldwater Creek & Clay Jones Roads), LINCOLN COUNTY, TENNESSEE
From the above map we are given the GPS location of the Blair Cemetery.
Location: From Fayetteville go south on Hwy 231 and left or west on Hay 110 (Ardmore Highway) to Mary's Grove Community and turn left into Coldwater Creek Road. Travel that for a couple of miles to the Clay Jones Road and turn north or right. Go about 400 yards and stop and walk west into the pasture and into the woods about 200 yards and the cemetery will be in the woods there.
This Aerial Map shows the cemetery more clearly in a grove of trees northwest of the junction of the Coldwater Creek Road & Clay Jones Road.
Maps from Topozone & MS Streets & Trips & Bing mapping sites, modified for this site by C. Wayne Austin, 19 Oct 2011.