This map shows the GPS coordinates of the Ashby Cemetery as N 35.235901 X W -86.52125. This map also shows the field road to the cemetery which comes from Mimosa Rd on our right. This road also serves as a field road for the farming operation and has a gate to be kept closed at all times because there are cattle present.

Location: From Fayetteville go north on Hwy 231 to Clarks Mill Rd and turn right and that dead ends into Mimosa Rd. Take Mimosa Rd (left) north and just before it bends back westward (left) there is a field road on your left to the cemetery. With permission go into the road and into the gate and up the hill and the cemetery is on the right behind a fence.
Mapping from ACME Mapper 2.0 MS Streets & Trips mapping sites. Modified and added here 29 Nov 2013 by C. Wayne Austin.