The center of the map with the red check marks the location of the Aldredge Cemetery. This cemetery is not detailed on the USGS records and currently this is the only site showing that location detail.
Location: Go Hwy 11 (Minor Hill Rd) to Minor Hill and turn southeast (left) on
Salem Road and go nearly to the Alabama State line and turn left (east) on the Earl
Townsend Road and go until you reach the last driveway on the left before the road bears back north 90 degrees northward
(left). The old Smith Howard house is still standing today. The cemetery will be on your
left just into the tree line on the right of the driveway to the new house owned
by the daughter (& her husband) of David & Annie Hendrix. You must have permission. This is a
private cemetery. That means no deed exist for the
separation of the cemetery from the surrounding owner's land. See Smitty Townsend
of this neighborhood for help in viewing
this cemetery. The Hendrix, Townsend, Howard, Legg & Coffman & Aldredge/(Eldridge) have lived in
this little valley/hollow or "hollar" for more than a hundred fifty years.
Please respect the right of the living and the deceased to their right to a quiet privacy. You will then be welcomed. Smitty did show up with his sawed off shotgun.
HA! No, he did not-just kidding, he was one of the most pleasant & helpful
persons I've met in a while and he knew much of folk lore & recent history of this
This Aerial view shows the cemetery location marked with a red check just inside
the tree line on a small ledge. Turn into the driveway and go past the old Smith
Howard home and park before the driveway bends left and walk straight into the
woods. Go about 50 feet into the woods and turn east (right) and walk about 50
yards and you will see the Texas Bear Grass (or Cactus) planted inside the
cemetery. In the spring time you will find the Buttercups (or Daffodils) in full
bloom completely covering the cemetery area.
This photo marking the location of the cemetery in white arrows was made
standing in the driveway just before it bends left. We are shooting
northward. None of the Green Cedars mark the cemetery. The only Cedar in this
cemetery was a dead cedar log that had fallen years ago and was still there
under the recent fallen Locust Tree.
Smitty and I were standing here while
putting the final information touches on this cemetery when we heard the
cackling call of flocks of south bound herons over head. When we gazed upward we saw wave
after wave of them winging their way southward toward the summer nesting grounds
in the swamps of Louisiana/Florida & Alabama. They largely kept a V formation as
do the Geese. It was an impressive site for a city dweller to experience. We
cannot see such as that in the city because of all the noise. I also know flocks
of birds avoid flying over cities.
Maps from Topozone - USGS Topographical, MS Streets & Trips 2004 & MS Bing
& Google modified for this site by Wayne Austin, 12
Feb 2012.