This map shows the GPS as: North 35.51971 X West 87.14870. The cemetery is marked by a red check at the back of a garage.
From Mt Pleasant go east on Southport Road to Porters Chapel and continue after another 1/3 mile turn left on Lusk Rd and go about 1/2 mile and the cemetery is on the left. The cemetery is behind a garage on private property inside a chain link fence which sustained damage from falling tree limbs. It is marked on Maps as being another 1/2 mile up the hill on the left. So if you have USGS mapping ignore that.
Mr. Fred Hawkins historical directions: From Porter's Chapel go out Scott's Hill Road for 1/4 mile; take Lusk Rd. to old brick house on William Kittrell place. The cemetery is behind house, enclosed by a chain-link fence.
With this another aerial view. This cemetery resides in the little clumps of trees behind that garage which sets at an angle, but please inform the owner of your intentions to visit this cemetery.
Maps from ACME Mapper 2.0, MS StreetsĀ & Trips 2005, MS Bing, all modified to show this cemetery location by Wayne Austin 3 Apr 2013.