The red check shows the location of the Dockery Cemetery. This cemetery is not detailed on the USGS records so I have provided this improvised map to show the GPS coordinates. The GPS Latitude & Longitude is correct as shown above. The above map shows a barn just southeast of there, but that barn no longer exist.
map shows at the Dockery out several hundred yards southwest of Pigg Schoolhouse
Road which is south of the Snow Creek Road (Hwy 247)
where you will find this cemetery northwest of Columbia Tennessee.
The cemetery is shown with the red dot as all others are on the above map, but
it is
not really on the original map by MS Streets & Trips. I graphically added it here
for completion purposes.
Location: Go southwest on Snow Creek Rd. to Mingo
Branch Rd. Turn (left) south & cross the creek on Pigg Schoolhouse Road and go 1/2 mile up the side of the
ridge where the road bends eastward (left).
Enter a farm lane on the right that branches to two roads. Take the right fork
and with permission go through the gate. Go about .2 of a mile, pass the old
house and continue on another 200 yards to the cemetery on the right of the field
road. The cemetery is located in edge of the woods
behind the old house. Actually the road going to the old house goes to the
cemetery past the house. There is a locked gate at the entrance of the Pigg
School House Road so a key and permission are required there.
This Aerial view shows the roads highlighted in yellow to get you to this cemetery.
When you turn off of Pigg School House Road there is a locked gate. This is to keep the bad guys out and not the visitors
so contact the owner - an out of town person I am told.
Notice in this close in Aerial view the clump of trees where the cemetery is located on
the west side of the trail or old roadbed. That is about 200 yards behind the
house shown as a white gray blot on this map. You have clean walking even after
passing the house. The cemetery is about 1/2 Mile from Pigg School House Road.
Maps from USGS Topographical, MS Streets & Trips 2004 & Google & MapQuest modified for this site by Wayne Austin,
May 2010.