Kettle Mills School 1914. Teachers: Sam Williams & Miss Ayala Brown (not pictured here?)
Front Row L. to R.: Dick & Harrison Baker, Arch Baker, Brown Skipper, Austin Pruitt, R. S. "Buck" Baker, Darmon Travis, Brents Travis, Henry Stanfill, John G. Delk, Ronald Lovell, George Lovell, Hut Lovell, Sloan Hoover, Dewey Ballard, Kenneth Ballard.
2nd Row L. to R.: Talmadge Brown, Willie Stanfill, Wesley Blocker, Cleve Blocker, Raymond Kennedy, Willie Blair Dickens, Ocie Blocker, Blair Gabell?, Howard Stanfill, Maury Hoover, Ola Baker.
3rd Row L. to R.: James Blocker, Maud Hoover, Polkie Baker, Tommy Pruitt, Jola Ballard, Maud Lovell, Edna Lovell, Pauline Kennedy, Annie Faris, Polkie Baker, Milly Mai Baker, Stanley Delk, Josephine Kennedy, Addie Delk Blocker.
4th Row L. to R.: John Dickens, Mary Delk, Sallie Smith, Nona Davis, Roland Terrell, Lucian Brown, Ralph Kennedy, Ellis Dickens, Howard Skipper, Sam Sewell (Teacher), Annie Porter Delk, Matt Hoover, Carrie Delk.
5th Row L. to R.: Fred Kennedy, Elva Smith, Estelle Blocker, Mabel Blocker, Grady Kennedy, Ross Delk, Volney Smith, Ellis Wiley, J.T. "Jeffry" Wiley, George Kennedy, Britt Davis.
Commentary by James V. Delk: Despite the date on the names attached. At least one of these students died in about 1911. None of J.V. Delk's children are in this picture, he was in Texas between 1905 and 1908.
Actual listing below to check my translation, Some of the names I may have misinterpreted, such as Blair Gabell?, Edna Lovell. Polkie Baker shows up twice indicating an error also. Wayne Austin 1 Dec 2008.
This electronic copy of the photos & information given here are the property of James V. Delk and used with his permission. 2 Dec 2008.