Would you know this thicket contained an old historic graveyard as you approached it from down the hill? It is too high above us to see the memorial stones located in there. Also the memorials are mostly fallen to the ground. 
There are some clear indications of that. First (1) it is an enclosed abandoned area that surrounding landowners don't know what to do with. They can't find the time nor have the knowledge to maintain it as you and I should. It is surrounded by pasture on all sides and is the highest elevation in that pasture at about 700 feet above sea level. (2) The vegetative growth is dense and fast growing indicating the soil has been disturbed (graves dug here). This causes the plant growth to spring up more quickly and profusely. (3) It is in an upland area where the pioneers who were looking for a grave site realized the spot was well drained and made for great preservation.
Since I left my GPS in the car as I neared this place these and other indicators told me I had found the graveyard before I spotted the first stone. If you do this recognize this is private ground and needs permission, but most land owners are friendly enough to allow proper visitors access. Others - well be prepared for a fight if this is your ancestral ground.
Photographed 13 Feb 2009. Transcribed and published here by Wayne Austin 1 Feb 2009