With this map from Topozone we can see the longitude and latitude of the Cohea graves. This is also known as the GPS coordinates. 

Revised Map showing the new location based on the 2005 findings of Hilton Cohea of Jackson Tn who visited there. The new coordinates are: 35 Degrees North 28.465' Latitude and 86 Degrees West 58.445' Longitude. 

Map showing up on TOPOZONE with incorrect coordinates. 

Map with the correct location per Hilton Cohea. The new coordinates are: 35 Degrees North 28.465' Latitude and 86 Degrees West 58.445' Longitude.

To find this cemetery from Culleoka go out Valley Creek Road southwest and turn left onto Graham Rd. Almost immediately Cross the concrete bridge over Fountain Creek and go 3/4 mile. Turn right into farm lane. The cemetery is in a small thicket near a house on the old Grady Hobbs place.
As you are driving along you will merge with the Rail Road Tracks on your left and then move away from the Rail Road Track just before you turn right. Instructions were taken from 1988 directions in MCTC and modified to today's maps.  [Wayne Austin 10/17/2007]