This map shows the Latitude & Longitude (GPS) coordinates of the cemetery.

Chaffin Family Cemetery shown on the above map with a red cross can be found by going out Toll Dugger Road from Campbellsville Pike (Hwy 245) in
Southport. Going south turn left into (east) Toll Dugger Road and go a mile or so until you see Wiley
Branch Road on your right. Veer right or south on Wiley Hollow Road and after a mile or so look left upon the side of a hill
and it will be in front of the house of John & Sue Brawders on the left side of their yard under the trees.

Notice the small red check placed up the hill under the trees. The paved driveway leading to the Brawders home and the cemetery is faintly seen connecting to Wiley Hollow Road.

Maps from Topozone & Bing Mapping modified here to show the location of this cemetery by Wayne Austin. Revised 4 Oct 2009