The Longitude & Latitude coordinates for this cemetery are given above. They look reasonable, but appear to be too far east and north of the house.

From Culleoka take Valley Creek Rd. for 1.25 miles and turn left (south) on Pullen Mill Rd. After crossing Fountain Creek turn left again and go up hill to the Ramsey-Finney house that is on the National Registry of Historic Places. The cemetery is now enclosed in a new wooden fence behind shed above house. Go there only with permission. It would be a foolish assertion to say this historic place had nothing to do with this graveyard. Likely the Amis folks founded this home though it bears not their name in the historic registers.  The yellow pointer reflects the GPS coordinates but the real location I believe would probably be further (due south) south above the buildings near this house with the red top.
Instructions were taken from 1988 directions in MCTC and modified to today's maps.  [Wayne Austin, 9 Apr 2008]