Mapping the Location


Distant View as you approach the cemetery:9835
Other closer views of the remainng cemetery: 9836/9837/9838/9839/9840

In the 1930's Kathleen Paul Jones and Pauline Jones Gandrud compiled a record of many of the old cemeteries in Madison County. Fortunately, the Wilburn is
one they copied and Mrs. Gandrud gave permission to Dorothy Scott Johnson to use her records:

WILBURN, JAMES, Born January 10, 1789 - died January 29, 1846.*
WILBURN, SALLY M., Born 23, 1790 - died 19, 1857.*
WILBURN, FREDERICK B., Son of James and Sally Wilburn. Born March 27, 1826, died September 17, 1850.*

*This cemetery was completely destroyed by a previous land owner many years ago prior to 1978. Most of the stones were hauled to a nearby house and laid into a driveway. Dorothy Scott Johnson dug up the stones but the inscriptions had been worn off from many years of use. Rock tombs surrounded by rock walls are still in existence in this cemetery, but all identification is gone. Even though this is called the Wilburn Cemetery there are several other families represented here including a young woman named Taft, according to a local resident.

Some helpful census information:
Census, Nov. 14, 1850:

Wilburn, Sally M.    (59) Va (Obviously James is deceased in this census)
Wilburn, Frederick   (24) Ala
Wilburn, Martha      (23) Ala
Wilburn, Rebecca     (18) Ala
Wilburn, Nathaniel   (16) Ala
Patterson, Elizabeth (65) Va
Wilburn, Sally Ann   ( 1) Ala

Another Wilburn Family who lived near here as shown in the 1860 Census Image:

Listings & Links developed by C. Wayne Austin using photos dated 22 Apr 2014. Added here 14 Feb 2015. This cemetery was shown in the book Madison County Cemeteries Vol I, Page 140 by Dorothy Scott Johnson. Dorothy did a superb job of preserving this cemetery burial knowledge as mentioned above.