PETTUS CEMETERY, (N. of Pettus Road in a grove of trees just W. of a subdivision), MADISON COUNTY, ALABAMA

This topographical map shows the GPS of the Pettus Cemetery of Madison Alabama. The location is indicated in the center of the map.
At the intersection of Wall Triana Highway and Pine Grove Road go east on Pine Grove road then south (right) on Pettus Road then back east to Hillsgate Drive. Travel north on that to Dunloe Dr  and turn left. Park back from the end of the street and with permission walk north following a path past the east side of a pond and into the woods. The cemetery is near the front (eastern edge) of the woods about half way into there. Someone has added a bench along the trail and other indications of a sanctuary. To peg the place the cemetery is actually located on Hillsgate Drive past Dunloe Drive in the woods behind and between the fourth and fifth house past Hillsgate Drive on the left. Don't access the cemetery there and disturb the neighbors though, but there is nothing wrong with driving by to spot the cemetery before access from the south at the west end of Dunloe Drive. In the winter it can be faintly seen from there.

Notice the yellow pointer indicating the cemetery location in the forest, west of a major subdivision, between Pettus Road and Hillsgate Drive, but within 200 yards of Hillgate Drive.

This view shows clearly the end of Donloe Drive (unlabeled) on a cul-de-sac circle. There is a hedge and across that is a pond, shown in red here.

With this exploded view we see the cemetery highlighted in the forest behind the nearby houses. Be sure to access this cemetery from the south and not the residential homes there as folks there did not bargain for cemetery visitors and need their privacy.
Maps from Google & MS Streets 2004, MS Bing modified for this site by Wayne Austin 26 Apr 2011.