This Aerial Map shows the GPS of the Drake-Keith Cemetery. Alternate Location: Section 21-Township 3S, Range 2E, NE NE NW - In the town of Maysville, Ala. In Maysville at the junction of Ryland Pike and Brownsboro Rd go east on Hurricane creek Rd abt 1/4 mile and turn south (right) into the driveway. After permission go behind the home on the left to a trailer on the left behind that and the cemetery is in a hedgerow further on the left between the backyard of the Trailer and a large field to the east. It is surrounded by an old fallen brick fence. It is behind Mr. Spivey's home about 50 yards NE of the Trailer.

 In the town of Maysville, Ala. at the junction of Ryland Pike and Brownsboro Rd go east on Hurricane creek Rd about 1/4 mile and turn south (right) into the driveway. After permission go behind the homes on the right side of the road to a trailer on the left behind that and the cemetery is in a hedgerow even further back on the left between the backyard of the Trailer and a large field to the east. It is surrounded by a old fallen brick fence. It is behind Mr. Spivey's house and is really about 50 yards northeast of the trailer.
Maps from Google & MS Streets 2004, modified for this site by Wayne Austin 2 Sep 2014.