BAILEY-CRUTCHER CEMETERY, (Subdivision south of Mill Road, Madison Al.), MADISON COUNTY, ALABAMA

This topographical map shows the GPS of the Bailey Cemetery. Notice the nearby Whitworth Cemetery on the above map. The GPS coordinates are confused on these maps between the two. There are no stones with the Whitworth surname inscribed on them in the Bailey Cemetery. The GPS on the Whitworth Cemetery coordinates are 34.6981 X -86.7825. No matter what version of map you use, trying to analyze the differences between these two cemeteries' GPS coordinates compared to where they actually are is confused at best. I have the correct location on the below aerial map regardless of errors in the GPS.

 At the intersection of County Line & Mill Roads go east toward downtown Madison 2 tenths of a mile and turn right into the new subdivision road Withers Junction. Go until it terminates into Cedar Springs Place and then turn left & take that until the road junctions with South Brooks Place. Stop there as the cemetery is on your right up under the trees. Vandals beware - the neighbors & Madison Police are watching you.

Notice the red check indicating the cemetery location occupying some of the lots in this subdivision.
Maps from Google & MS Streets 2004, MS Bing modified for this site by Wayne Austin 10 Jan 2011.