POLLY MALONE CEMETERY, (African American section; Browns Ferry Road), LIMESTONE COUNTY, ALABAMA

This map shows the GPS Coordinates of the Malone Cemetery - African American section. GPS is also known as the Latitude and Longitude location.

From Athens travel Hwy 31 south to Tanner & turn east (left) on Huntsville-Brownsferry Road. Go a few miles to the Malone Cemetery Road and turn north (left) and follow that to the cemetery about 1/2 mile from the road.

This aerial view above shows the cemetery located under a stand of trees on a small hill. The white area is the southwest corner of the cemetery area and the black citizens are using the pretty much the rest of the cemetery which is still active today.

This map shows the layout of the sections of this cemetery. The break in sections will be obvious when you see the cemetery. The upright & box tombs from the old white section are very very old while the black citizens use this cemetery even today - using modern granite monuments. In no way am I specifying the legal boundaries of anything in this cemetery. These are estimates of general areas drawn up by this researcher for use by all the descendents of this cemetery to find their kin.
Maps from Topozone & Google modified for this site by Wayne Austin 9 Sep 2010.