(Hwy 251, aka old Hwy 31) LIMESTONE COUNTY ALABAMA
This map shows the GPS Coordinates of the Holt Cemetery #1. GPS is also known
as the
Latitude and Longitude location as at N 34.82771 W -86.90055. Alternate Location:
Northwest quarter of Section 36, Township 2S, Range 4W on the west side (or
north) of old Highway 31 (Hwy 251).
From Athens travel out Hwy 31 and turn right on Hwy 251 aka old Hwy 31. Follow
that for about 3 miles and when you enter the Piney Creek area and just before
dropping into the Piney Creek Valley look left for a field road just past the
next to the last house which goes by the right side of that next to last house
into the woodland. Tricky here because the last house is into the woods and
cannot be seen from this position. Actually on the left when you turn in you
should be able to see two more driveways ahead. The last residential driveway
and the road into the Leslie Cemetery, then the creek bridge is next. Follow the
turned in field road for about 200 yards or about
a tenth of a mile and before the road starts to drop down the hill park your
vehicle and walk to your right (east) into the woods about 30 feet and look for the standing
stones which are the easiest ones to see. Another indicator is when drive down
the field road you will pass out
of the pine woodland into the hardwood trees. Then the cemetery is about fifty feet further along and into the woods on your right about 30 feet. The two Scott box
tombs are first then north of that is the Crawford stone then the
next stone north is the Jesse Holt monument, then the James Allen stone, then
the large unmarked tomb for what appears to be multiple graves with bricks
stacked at the east and a large 8 inch (not carved) lime slab at the
foot. Of course there are grave sinks all along the way out into the area
east of there.
The aerial view above
shows the cemetery located beside the road and about the distance shown from the
field road. Known graves are lined up along inside that rectangle. It is known
that a
slave graveyard exist here somewhere, but unless it was connected to the Leslie
(African American) Cemetery about 100 feet to the east of here I did not located it. but the Leslie Cemetery has
many grave sinks in the cemetery and out into the woodland east of there.
Maps from
ACME Mapper 2.0, MS Streets & Trips & Google
modified for this site by C. Wayne Austin 19 Feb 2015.