Mapping the Location

The Church building and Adams Monuments and other Monument Location photos:4060/4061/4062/Just the building:2036/2039/Just the tombstones:4071/4072
The Historical Marker mentioned as set in 1979. Side 1 / Side 2/The Original Stone inscriber mentioned as J. L. Preston originally on the bottom of the John Henry Adams monument: 4070L
The Flour & Corn Meal grinding stones on church grounds: 2043
Casual Photos of the nearby Bibb Cemetery in Bell Mina: 4073/4074/4075/4076/4077/4078
Nearby Belle Mina U. Methodist Church:4084/Tribute to Nathan Watkins Bradley,Supt of M.E.S.S 1901-1930 - buried in Decatur, AL: 4083/Another old antbel. Home along Hwy 20 nearly to Co Line Rd.:4089
Historical Marker at the Bibb Home: Side 1 / Side 2/The Bibb Home - of the 2nd Alabama Governor
(private property):4082/The home Thomas Bibb had build for his daughter (private property):4088

ADAMS, Dr William Kelsey
, Sr., Feb. 1, 1795 - Jul. 8, 1846. 2029L *
ADAMS, Sophia Brown
, (cir 1800) - May 3, 1848, Aged 48 years. 2030L
ADAMS, William Kelsey, Jr., Nov. 1, 1825 - Feb. 11, 1847** 2031L
ADAMS, John Henry, Nov. 13, 1823 - Jun. 24, 1844. 2032L
ADAMS, Robert Payne, May 12, 1835 - Apr. 30, 1846. 2033L

**Full name was as given by Linda Smith in "Tombstone Inscriptions of Limestone Co. Al." - It is not on the tombstone.

* Dr. William Kelsey Adams was the son of John (1770 - Sep 24, 1829) and Margaret Kelsey Adams, who were married on "Big Limestone" in Washington Co., Tenn. in 1790. Margaret the mother died in Huntsville. Ala. in 1821 and John lived at South Port, Franklin Co., Ala. at the time of his death. Dr. William Kelsey Adams was born Feb 1, 1795 in Jonesboro, Tenn., practiced medicine in Mooresville until his death on July 8, 1846. He was an original trustee of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church here. His descendant, Robert Donnell Adams of San Antonio, Tx., was present at the unveiling of the historical marker (Side 1)/(Side 2) at the church in November, 1979. Robert was the descendant most responsible for keeping the knowledge of this cemetery alive.

* There were eight children born to Dr. William K. and Sophia Brown Adams. The remaining children not shown in the listing above are: Benjamin Franklin (Jan. 6, 1828 - ca 1874); Edward Alexander (Feb 16, 1830 - Mar 29, 1865); James Wyatt (Sep 21, 1832 - Oct 28, 1890), ancestor of Robert Donnell Adams; Mary Agnes (Finnin) (Dec 6, 1837 - May 9, 1905); and Minor Preston (Mar 7, 1840 - June 10, 1861). They all migrated to Texas after the death of their parents. Dr. Kelsey, his wife, and the three children buried here, all died of consumption contracted by Dr. Kelsey from his medical practice, and from a patient.

This Cemetery presentation is based on the photography of C. Wayne Austin, 2 Mar 2015. Uploaded here by the same on 3 Feb 2015. It was also presented in the book Tombstone Inscriptions of Limestone County Alabama by Linda H. Smith. She did not find it, but partially listed it on Page 1 in 1991, with good genealogy information from another source. Findagrave has the cemetery and genealogy well listed but the tombstones are not generally readable, due to poor photo quality. However as you can see above these tombstones are almost beyond reading from having weathered away. At last notice some of the tombstones were misplaced to the listing. Also they gave us no map to know where these monuments were located.