DEAN-McNAIRY CEMETERY, (1 mi. S. of Hwy 72 between Rogersville & Elgin), LAUDERDALE COUNTY, ALABAMA

This Aerial map shows the GPS of the Dean-McNairy Cemetery as N 34.83154 X W -87.35487.

From Rogersville take Hwy 72 about 4 miles and turn south or left on Lock Road (County Rd 66/aka CR-572). The road bends and twist but after about a mile Take the right fork then the left fork and the cemetery is on the left above the road next to and behind a house. There is a road up to the cemetery gate but it is very steep.

Notice the Dean-McNairy Cemetery on the east side of County Rd 573. One map says that is CR 66 so confusion exist there.
Maps from Google & MS Streets 2004, MS Bing modified for this site by Wayne Austin 20 Jan 2011.