Pleasant Road aka Brick Road), COLBERT
Mount Pleasant Presbyterian
Church (Old Brick) community and its descendents.
Some of these folks interred in this cemetery may have founded the home site where my parents
Paul & Ruby Austin built
in 1964. There was a 100 year old large Cedar tree there and Dad cleared
around it leaving it standing. It was on its last leg of life and soon
died anyway from having been shaded from the giant black oaks hovering over it. We also discovered old Chards of pottery plates
and glass indicating someone had a home there before we did, but it was
many years earlier. The trees and growth were at least 30 to 50 years,
untouched when my Dad and my brothers arrived with our axes and brush cutting
gear in the late summer of 1963. This place was sitting above the Shegog Creek, a cold water
branch which ran thru the
property below. It was a beautiful place with an ideal building site. Dad wasn't the only
one to know that. The soil all around there was rich and grew large beautiful
vegetables and fruits and even the trees grew fast. One could dig a post
hole five feet down before the soil became unfertile and the water table was
only about 40' from the top of the ground. Paul Austin built a home suitable
for his 4 to 5 children remaining at home. That meant a home divided up into many
bed rooms (which meant very small quarters for each child by today's'
standards), but somehow we survived it without major disruptions.) Very soon
Ernie went off to Auburn U. and Warren had earlier moved to West Tennessee to
live with Uncle Jim and Aunt Lutie Austin Jones to finish High School & go to
trade school there. That relived some of the space issues.
The Oscar Medley family lived across the street from the Old Brick church
cemetery. They were members of the Ford City Church of Christ during their
time living there. Oscar was a postal worker. They had two children Roy and Nadera. Roy married and later became a home construction manager for a Memphis
based company so he moved there and spent several years & and died there. He
was buried back in his native Coffee County, Tennessee. Nadera married and
moved to Texarkana, Texas. Oscar was the founder of the Jackson Heights
subdivision about 1968 in Muscle Shoals so to get that going he purchased the land and subdivided it then built his own home there
getting the Jackson family to also build there. He began
to sell lots to others among which had been the Jackson family. The
subdivision carries the Jackson's name. This was to become the first
prominent subdivision of Muscle Shoals, Alabama. By 1968 the Medley's had moved there.
Eventually home called to the Oscar and Ernestine Medley family and they
sold out and moved back home to their birth place, Manchester Tennessee
where they all eventually passed from this life into another.
Gerber was another prominent family that lived down River Road near Ford City.
The earliest Gerber can be traced as German immigrants who came to this
country in 1874. They were Fred & Mary M. Gerber and were found living in
the old Brick community in 1930 census. Their home was believed to
be established just back 1/4 mile from Ford City Al where Henry Ford attempted
to build a city when the Wilson Dam was built. In the Later generations of Gerber
this is across the road (west side) a 1/2 mile
further north of Shegog Creek toward Ford City. There is an old home there which is barely standing today
which was a good home in their day.
Fred & Mae J. Gerber were elderly when I was a teenager and they died in 1971
& 1966 respectively. One of the daughters
of Fred married an Austin (no close relation to me, but thought to be from the
Austin family of Florence Alabama) and they built a home next door to
the Gerbers' and all are buried here in close proximity. One Gerber-Austin grandson Fredrick
Austin was well thought of in school. He has an older brother named Franklin
and a younger brother Robert. Frederic was born about 1946 & went over
seas sometime after graduation from Colbert Co. High in 1964. By the 1970s he was known to be handing out
Bibles behind the Iron Curtain. As time progressed he was discovered
elsewhere in the world in the same mission. Before many years his family
ceased to hear from him and knew not what happened to him. I wonder if he
met his fate against some of those radical Muslims who have grown to be a
major threat to Christianity and world peace today. A big part of them are
taught to either convert or kill anyone not of their religion and they are
financed with oil money to carry out this ominous mission. However Chinese governments were very intolerant of Christianity.Compiled & written by C. Wayne Austin 24 Feb